The information of the downloadable data "Land cover data of Chiba Prefecture" Sample = 8395 (pixel) Line = 8924 (pixel) Center of upper_left_corner_pixel = 139.739392 E / 36.104118 N Center of lower_right_corner_pixel= 140.872582 E / 34.899513 N Pixel_size x=0.000135 y=0.000135 (degrees) Projection geographic(latitude/longitude) Spheroid GRS1980 Datum Japanese Geodetic Datum2000 (JGD200) WGS84 A pixel is recorded in one byte. Land cover code code_value = 1 ; Urban ,Village = 2 ; Nedleleaf forest = 3 ; Broadleaf forest = 4 ; Grassland = 5 ; Golf course = 6 ; Bare area = 7 ; Rice paddy = 8 ; Cropland = 9 ; Water = 0 ; (out of the classified area)